Once you get going on your family history, you will find it a fascinating, exciting…
How To Look Employed, When You're Not, Without Lying - 3 Obnoxious Options
Research, studies, and news stories allege 75% of American resumes inflicted on potential employers, contain lies. Lies about current employment, education, employers, dates, certifications, skills, accomplishments, you name it.
There’s no security in fudging.
Former Georgia Tech Head Football Coach, George O’Leary, was head coach at Notre Dame for about five (5) days. A reporter researched his education and football playing history. “Inaccuracies” were discovered. O’Leary resigned.
What to do when pro recruiters and “Head Hunters” refuse to consider you, because you don’t hide the fact you are unemployed?
Enterprise these actions to reverse your plight.
1. Work Three Part-Time Jobs – “Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me” to take a flying leap with hat tip to NPR’s program of the same name. Literal, I am not. If you are receiving an unemployment check, it’s a barrier. Author-Speaker and Marketing Guru, Seth Godin says in title of his early free 35-page e-book, Everyone Is An Expert About Something. What’s your expertise? A faith-based client gives cash-only expert guitar lessons in his home. He’s found a way to schedule one-on-one teaching to fit in with another part-time gig he already has and charge more. New revenue stream. A professional Human Resources Manager discovered he was expert at selling furniture part-time when his unemployment checks stopped. When he was not chosen for an HR job at the furniture company, he snagged full-time HR management position elsewhere, 15 minutes from home. Impressive. His family rallied around him too.
2. Short Term, High Profile, Name-Brand Volunteerism – Save prime-time mornings for networking calls. Carve out afternoons and evenings to chair an event or recruit volunteers for brand-name, non-profits or not-for-profits. Be around people you don’t know. List your new title and organization, as current gig on your LinkedIn profile. Be Founder of professionals’ once weekly 7am Jobs Club Meetup at well-located café. Tell local media. Social network the group on LinkedIn, Google+, Twitter, and FB. Delegate. Promote. Merchandise. Market. Publicize. Add new people. Pro recruiters notice you pitched-in.
3. Adult internships, paid and unpaid. Demonstrate to prospective employers you are active in meaningful ways. Push your passion through research. An adult offspring interns at NPR Radio affiliate. In less than three months interning 4 partial days a week, the idea of her being hired fulltime was on the table. Her expertise? Command of English language.
Seth says, “When you continue to raise the bar on what you do and how you do it, you matter. When you teach and forgive and teach more before you rush to judge and demean, you matter. When you touch the people in your life through your actions (and your words), you matter”. Your expertise matters. Put it to use in multiple paid, part-time jobs, in prime volunteerism, and in adult paid and un-paid internships